Tuesday, September 13, 2016

5 Things You Can Do Daily to Be Stress-Free

Modern life is full of stress. Deadlines at work, things to do at home. We are forever involved in fixing things. No matter how much we fix, something new is always waiting to be resolved.
In the midst of all this, we forget to really enjoy the little things of life. Like reallyrelaxing, with nothing to worry about. Or having a good laugh with family or friends. Or just doing something small and silly for the sake of doing it!

Being stress-free is a goal that can be achieved. Here are five things to do daily to be more at ease:

  • Let go. As we go on in life, we tend to accumulate lots of useless things. The most harmful of these are negative emotions, such as anger, resentments, envy and suspicion. We must learn to let go of these for the sake of our serenity. Letting go is a spiritual exercise and requires practice.

  • Stay active. Todays lifestyle invites us to remain lazy TV, couches, elevators, pick-up taxis, order-at-home meals. We must ensure that there is movement. Skip the lift and take the stairs. Walk whenever possible. On weekends, go to the neighborhood park for a stroll. Get a treadmill and use it.

  • Eat healthy. Avoid junk food and fizzy drinks. Reduce intake of sugar. Eat more veggies and fruits. And drink plenty of water. Remember, you are what you eat, so eat healthy.

  • Connect with friends and family. Emotional and social connections are good for our well-being. Exchange gifts, ideas, spend time with those you care for. Connections give us an opportunity to share our lives with others and that creates meaningful bonds that nurture our inner being.

  • Have some me time.While staying connected with others is important, it is equally important to spend time with yourself, alone. Get to know yourself. Meditation is a good way to discover your inner self. If you are comfortable with yourself, youll be comfortable with others.
These are easy and really effective ways to bring some serenity into your life. If you are less stressed, you can spread cheer around you so that others love your company too!

This article was originally published on Practo Health Feed by Ms. Raisa Luther, Psychotherapist

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Some Positive Practices to Start Doing for Yourself Right Now

We’ve all heard the saying, “Life is short,” but what does it really mean? In terms of length, the literal meaning is true. Life is short, and it passes us by before we know it. From a philosophical standpoint, “Life is short” means that we should enjoy life. We shouldn’t waste our precious time on negative, self-negligent actions or thoughts. Instead, we should strive to create a positive environment. An environment full of positive, self-loving practices that keep our inner spirit soaring.
Practice #1 – Smile
Did you know that every time you smile, your body releases endorphins? Not sure what endorphins are and why they’re a positive thing?
Endorphins are hormones secreted in the nervous system and brain, They cause feelings of excitement and satisfaction.
The simple act of smiling, and the subsequent release of these “feel-good” chemicals, has notable benefits for both your health and your happiness.

Practice #2 – Be Gracious
It is important to remember just how lucky you are in your life. We tend to forget that there are others less fortunate than us. But, when you practice gratitude, it makes you feel great realizing the fortune all around you.

Practice #3 – Go Outside
One of the best things you can do for your body and mind is to get outside and take in all that nature has to offer. Spending five minutes outside when the stress of your day becomes overwhelming is the best medicine you can take. Many a study has uncovered the benefits of nature on the human body.

Practice #4 – Feel your Emotions

Don’t ignore your emotions. It’s easy to do, especially when the emotions we’re feeling aren’t positive, happy ones. However, not allowing yourself to feel those feelings can leave you feeling irritated. The best thing to do is realize you’re feeling those emotions for a reason and allow them to run their course.

All of us have at least one toxic person in our lives. This person doesn’t have our best interest at heart, and they have a negative outlook on everything. If you have someone like that in your life, it might be time to weed this person out of it. There’s no room in a positive outlook for toxic people.

Practice #5 – Give Yourself a Little TLC(Tender Loving Care)

Take some time periodically to treat yourself. You, of all people, deserve it. Spend a couple hours at the spa, go out to your favorite restaurant, or just sit in a quiet spot and read a good book. Do something you like to do. Dedicating time to making sure you’re relaxed and happy ensures your needs are met.

Practice #6 – Stay in the Here and Now

Live in the present and don’t worry about what happened in the past or what might happen in the future. If you live today based on past mistakes, you aren’t doing yourself or your loved one any favors. You have to learn to let go of what was and embrace what is. When you can master the art of living in the here and now, things become clearer and obstacles don’t seem so great.

Practice #7 – Know your Limits
It is difficult sometimes telling others “no.” However, you have to know what your limits are and not be afraid of letting others know what they are, too. There’s no greater self-love than being true to yourself.

Practice #8 – Take it Slow

It may seem like it from day to day, but life really isn’t a rat race. You do have the time to slow down and take your time. Instead of rushing to work, get up just a few minutes earlier and enjoy the commute. Don’t worry about all that you have to do. Just breathe. And enjoy life.

Practice #9 – Avoid Negativity

Practice #10 – Share with Others

Your life is full of blessings, so share with those less fortunate. Volunteer to share your blessings in one way or another. You’ll feel great doing so and you’ll make a difference in someone else’s life.
At the end of the day, being good to yourself is neither selfish or narcissistic. You have to love yourself and be happy with yourself, to be a valuable part of any relationship with family, friends and co-workers.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Inspiring quotes by Mother Teresa

  • “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.”
  • “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”
  • “I want you to be concerned about your next door neighbour. Do you know your next door neighbour?”
  • “Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand.”
  • “Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”
  • “The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.”
  • “Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace. Money will come if we seek first the Kingdom of God - the rest will be given.”
  • “Intense love does not measure, it just gives.”
  • “Joy is prayer; joy is strength: joy is love; joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.”