Monday, May 21, 2012

Can you change your life in 3 minutes?

A minute can be as powerful as an hour, if only you use it well. Cosmo tells you how

Get smarterResearch reveals that solving crossword puzzles stimulates the brain, improves memory and ups your vocab. Also, it distracts the mind from problems and challenges the brain in a non-stressful way. Lesson: spend a couple of minutes a day working a puzzle.

Be an artist
A study published in Applied Cognitive Psychology, Southern England showed that people who doodled retained more information than those who didn't. (Especially at boring conferences and seminars.)

Check your balance
Spending a few minutes balancing your checkbook, noting expenses, and organising bills, will help you handle expenses, plan better, and also prepare for future tax work. Doing it in small installments also makes it a lot less annoying.

In a recent study, University College, London, researchers noted that drinking a cup of tea, four to six times a day, reduces stress hormone levels in your body. Here's a tip to brew it perfectlyleave the bag in the water for at least two minutes, and keep the cup covered while the tea is brewing.


Dehydration is one of the key reasons of fatigue. If you drink less than eight glasses of water a day, you may be sluggish. Use every free minute to drink as much water as possible. Try it for a week and watch your general energy levels rise.

Floss away
Dentists keep saying it, and we'll say it again: flossing removes bacteria, prevents gum disease and the loss of teeth. Spend a minute or two each day to remove the bacteria between your teeth.

Take the time to clear your drawers of old receipts, papers and trash you've been collecting over the months. "Simplifying your life in any way can help you find more balance, says US-based Denise Landers, CEO of Key Organisation Systems Inc.

Breathing correctly can cure anxiety. The right way to do it: stand up, stretch and take a couple of deep breaths. Stretch your arms, back, legs, and neck. Take a deep breath through your nose, hold it, and let it out slowly and forcefully. Repeat several times.

Make morning time planning time. Set goals, write them down and place them where you'll see them all day. It will give you a sense of control and empowerment.


Not too much, but if you're going to have some candy, pick chocolate. Research reveals that we get an endorphin buzz from chocolate and an energy boost from the slight bit of caffeine in it. You'll agree, it's a delicious way to use spare time.

Learn a word
Sign up for a website that will deliver a new word to your inbox every day, then spend a couple of minutes learning it. In a month, you'll have a brand new, impressive vocabulary.

Sitting in the same position for hours can be exhausting. Roll up and down on your toes. This stimulates your circulatory system, and delivers oxygen and glucose throughout your body.

Studies in music therapy show that singing promotes wellness, manages stress, and improves communication. Most songs last about three minutes, so sing your favourite out loud.

Make a call
Lost touch with people? Make a short call to one person every day, just to say hiit could be an old friend from college, an ex colleague, or someone you'd like to network with. Repeat that call after one month.

Change of scene
Browse the Internet to find a soothing natural scene as your desktop background. Studies conducted by the University of Washington have reaffirmed nature's restorative powers and capability to reduce stress.

Look away
Research has found out that taking visual breaks can relieve sore eyes. Every two hours or so, look at an object 20 feet away for a few seconds. This will relax your eye muscles, instantly.

Creating e-mail filters will help you keep your inbox free from unwanted mails. Make separate folders so that the next time you are searching for a super important e-mail, you won't waste any time locating it.

Update your resume
Keeping your resume up-to-date means when a great job opportunity comes your way, you won't be rushing to add stuff.

Scientists say the effects of laughter and exercise are quite similar. You may not have time for a full-fledged cardio session, but you can take out three minutes to watch a funny clip on YouTube.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Moment of Pure Joy

In this busy and hectic life
Which often made my sigh and cry
All I ever wanted was
To have a moment of pure joy
My crazy and fast paced life
Seemed to be full of worry and strife
Happiness had become a sacred word
Never to be experienced but only heard
Happiness had become a thing of the past
Which I had in abundance when I was a kid
All my moments of joy were shrouded in fear
As I worried that this joy and happiness will not last
To have a moment of eternal peace and bliss
To be in total harmony with the universe
I craved for a moment of pure joy
To be as happy as a small boy
To be happy and joyful, I realized
I must live fully and not merely exist
Not to let fear and worry take their toll
To fill with peace my mind, body and soul
I realized my natural state was to be happy
To experience joy and happiness unbound
Not to be held prisoner by the fears all around
In the waters of misery not to drown
I learnt that a life without joy is inanimate
That it is parched and has no value
Without joy I could not create and achieve
I wanted to be happy and not to grieve
I learnt that being happy and joyful is a choice
Pure joy will always be within my reach
I must grasp it and make it a part of my life
A moment of joy is worth more than thousand years of strife

Thursday, May 3, 2012

When was the Last Time?

You did something for the first time
You laughed your heart out
You had a moment of pure joy
You were truly happy
You were content with your life
You told someone how important they are in your life
You were happy and in a good mood for no reason at all
You loved someone truly, fully with all your heart
You gave without expecting anything in return
You lived life to the full
You overcame your fears and accomplished something
You stood up for something you believed in
You spent time with nature
You spent time with yourselves
You heard the voice from within
You did something because you loved it, not because someone forced it
You forgave someone and moved on
You were full of enthusiasm and confidence
You played with a child
You danced in the rain and played in the sand
You believed you could do anything
You believed with all your heart in your dream
You read a good book, listened to a great song
You marvelled at the wonders of the universe
You broke through your limiting beliefs
You did something that others said could not be done
You learned a new skill, a new language
You paused and reflected about your life
You were not afraid to die
You were free of fear,  guilt, regret and sadness
You were happy just to be alive
You were grateful for all the things in your life
You cried tears of joy
You made a difference
When was the last time you did any of all these? Life is too short to spend it doing something else. Go ahead and do, there is no one stopping you except you

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Awakening, dawn's chorus
The day new, untouched
Waiting to be filled.
And will we paint a rainbow
With all its promise
Or dull the canvas
Sadly seen?
Each day brings its own colours
To be chosen, mixed,
Pigments of joy,
Happy moments,
Smiles and laughter.
And which will you choose?
For life is choice,
We are all painters
In our own way,
All needing to create
Something of worth,
Of lasting beauty,
Marking our journey,
Footprints in the sand.
The sky today is azure,
The sun warm and golden
A filigree of light and shadow-play
Through the gently swaying trees.
I clean my brushes,
Choose my palette
Of vibrant, living colours,
And begin to fill
Today's blank canvas.
