Thursday, May 3, 2012

When was the Last Time?

You did something for the first time
You laughed your heart out
You had a moment of pure joy
You were truly happy
You were content with your life
You told someone how important they are in your life
You were happy and in a good mood for no reason at all
You loved someone truly, fully with all your heart
You gave without expecting anything in return
You lived life to the full
You overcame your fears and accomplished something
You stood up for something you believed in
You spent time with nature
You spent time with yourselves
You heard the voice from within
You did something because you loved it, not because someone forced it
You forgave someone and moved on
You were full of enthusiasm and confidence
You played with a child
You danced in the rain and played in the sand
You believed you could do anything
You believed with all your heart in your dream
You read a good book, listened to a great song
You marvelled at the wonders of the universe
You broke through your limiting beliefs
You did something that others said could not be done
You learned a new skill, a new language
You paused and reflected about your life
You were not afraid to die
You were free of fear,  guilt, regret and sadness
You were happy just to be alive
You were grateful for all the things in your life
You cried tears of joy
You made a difference
When was the last time you did any of all these? Life is too short to spend it doing something else. Go ahead and do, there is no one stopping you except you

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