Work life balance has always been a challenge for the working women. They are expected to match the males’ output levels at work as well as be a perfect mother, wife, daughter and daughter-in-law. In a bid to balance both professional and domestic responsibilities women struggle a lot and finally tend to withdraw from their careers.
This sparks of the question - can women have it all?
It is very obvious, juggling between work and home is no easy task. To balance both calls for certain level of self-introspection and understanding. This would automatically enable you to set up the priorities and mental make
up to face the drudgeries.
Here are a few tips for a better work life balance
This sparks of the question - can women have it all?
It is very obvious, juggling between work and home is no easy task. To balance both calls for certain level of self-introspection and understanding. This would automatically enable you to set up the priorities and mental make
up to face the drudgeries.
Here are a few tips for a better work life balance
- Every woman should question their priority and needs in life. They should try to see what is best for the family; where in their personal interest and family interest could be matched. Before finding a solution, working woman need to find solace in the choices they make. Family could be managed by hiring help or reaching out to family for support. However, this can give you lasting peace only when you are convinced that you are making these choices in best interest of you and your family. So have your priorities clear and separate them from your need, those are different.
- Be organised: Planning and being organised relieves a lot of tension off the motherhood/family-hood. Setting aside certain days of the week for cleaning, grocery shopping and other sundry jobs would ensure the other days are free. Asking the spouse and the children help to keep the home tidy and do a few house hold jobs will ease pressure. Thus one would be able to spend quality time with the family as well get the work done.
- Do not get upset over petty things: Accept and understand that nobody will do your chores as well you could. However, you could hire help and delegate responsibilities to family members as well. Even if they do not match up to your expectations, coach them up or work around a solution. Instead getting upset at minor issues will only spoil the harmony of the household. Turning off such negative thoughts and encouraging positive ones will automatically boost up energy levels and enable to achieve more.
- Set aside some time for yourself: It is very important to have a bit of time for yourself doing what you like the most. Otherwise the mundane routines of life would take a toll on mental and physical health. Go on a vacation, blogging, photography or any creative activity could help to break the monotony and rejuvenate yourself.
- Stop trying to be perfect in all: Remember you are not super women but a real women. It is impossible to get 10/10 always in all roles. Gracefully, accept the mistakes and move on.
- Do not feel guilty: There is no need to have the ‘mother’s guilt’. Many mothers feel guilty about working, some about not working and some about enjoying their ‘me time’. It is time to stop it. This kind of thinking will only lead to misery. Rather thinking of the benefits achieved by your will make you feel more productive.
- Read about it: Reading about successful women who managed both responsibilities may give new tips, encouragement and ideas to solve your own problems.
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