countinue......... from Part 1
11. Lack of Action
are many people who will set a goal, create a plan, and then wait for
the perfect time to start. This could be the start of a new year, the
beginning of next month, after the summer ends, etc. The best time to
take action is when you first set the goal. The reason is because by
taking action right away, you’ll create momentum. This momentum can help
to increase your motivation. If you wait too long, that excitement will
decrease and so will your motivation.
12. Not Having a Clear Plan
a clear plan, you’re bound to waste a lot of energy and time. Trying to
get from point A to point B without a map to point B can frustrate you
and kill your motivation as you realize how much energy and time you’ve
wasted and how you’re not that much closer to your achieving your goals.
Figure out what you need to do and schedule it into your daily
“He who fails to plan is planning to fail.” – Winston Churchill
13. Having Too Many Goals
a major goal can be hard enough on its own and when you have too many
goals, your focus is scattered. Often times, you end up not achieving
any of them. Of course when this happens, the disappointing results can
zap your motivation. It’s often better to just choose one goal so you
can put all of your focus on it and achieve it than to spread yourself
too thin and end up not achieving anything.
14. Fear of Failure
is major motivation killer. For many, just the thought of failing can
be enough to obliterate any motivation they may have. This is a tough
one to overcome but just keep in mind that a lot of the biggest
accomplishments were a result of the many failures that preceded them.
“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan
15. Feeling Overwhelmed
back in college when you had a project to do or a paper to write and
just the thought of how much work and time it’s going to take was enough
to make you nauseous? Looking at everything you have to get done all at
once can often be too much to handle and break your motivation. The key
is to break it all down into small, manageable steps.
16. Doing Something You Hate
you hate what you do, it’s tough to find the motivation to give it your
all. If you need motivation just to get up in the morning and drag
yourself to work, it may be a good idea to create a plan to get yourself
into a line of work that you actually enjoy.
17. Comparing Yourself to Others
some, comparing themselves to others can help motivate them to push
hard for their goals but for others, it can crush their motivation.
Realize that we’re all different and if comparing yourself to other
people is causing you to slow down or retreat from your goals, think how
much further you’ll be behind 10 years from now. Don’t let the current
success of others hinder your progress.
18. Having Too Much Time
we have too much time to do something, some of us tend to
procrastinate. People tend to be super motivated to get things done when
the deadline is right around the corner. April 15th ring a bell for
anyone? As the saying goes, “If you want to get something done, give it
to a busy person.”
19. Lack of Information
many people, not having enough information, in terms of what to do, can
wreck their motivation by prohibiting them from taking action. Even if
they find out what to do, some people get too bogged down in figuring
out every last detail. Although being prepared is important, sometimes,
it’s better to just fire first and aim later.
20. Setbacks
can be devastating to one’s motivation. Making progress or even
achieving a goal only to have it be taken away from you can make life
seem pretty unfair. Realize, however, that setbacks are a part of life.
We all go through them. Setbacks are part of what gives life its juice.
Our proudest accomplishments are usually the ones where we had to dig
deep in order to find out what we’re really made of and were forced to
grow in order to overcome the difficult challenges standing in the way
of our goals.
“Life’s challenges are not
supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you
are.” – Bernice Johnson Reagon
21. Fear of Criticism
of us mere mortals have a fear of being criticized at some level. This
fear can wipe out our motivation and even cause some people to quit on
their goal altogether. Just keep in mind that there isn’t a single
person on this planet who has achieved any great level of success who
doesn’t have someone hating on them. Don’t let the opinions of others
force you to abandon the things that are most important to you.
“To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.” – Elbert Hubbard
figuring out what commonly kills your motivation, you can plan ahead
and come up with ways to prevent it from happening and increase your
chances of achieving your goals in the process.
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
Winston S. Churchill