Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Stop Comparing Yourself with Others - every one is unique

You all keep on searching for perfect things in life like perfect friend, perfect lover or perfect gadget, but this thinking doesn’t stop here only, you even want yourself to be perfect. And the major cause to make you perfect is comparison with others. You keep on watching others and start comparing yourself with them. In doing so you seldom feel your self-esteem becoming stronger and it is more likely to be a short-lived inflation of your ego.
You even don’t realize that while comparing with others you forget your own identity and start living the way others live, just because you want to show off that you are better than others.
 To avoid this habit you just need to take care of 3 things:
  • Don’t “copy” get “inspired”
Comparing with others is only good when it is done in positive way to get inspiration not to copy others. There is difference between both but with very minute difference. You won’t even realize that when you are crossing the thin line between the two. If you compare yourself with others and try to copy them then you will lose your own identity. But when you will compare yourself with others because you are inspired from them then you will reach to heights of success.
  • You are unique
Always remember that everyone had some or other positive points and everyone is unique and it includes you too. This is the only thing which common in all of us that “we all are unique”. This is really bad that you keep on feeling inferior because others are better than you in any work. It will result in lower down your confidence and you will start feeling jealous.
  • Be Yourself
You already have lots of good qualities because of which your parents and friends loves you. This is your own life, live the life in your way. Don’t try to change for other while comparing with others. You should love yourself the way you are. Think positive and you will start acting same way. Once you are positive and confident about yourself, you will enrich the life of your loved ones too.

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