Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Happy Teachers’ Day 2018 Wishes.......................(Inspirational Quotes)

 A Good teacher does a fantastic job of educating their pupil in textbooks, a great teacher acts as an influential personality in one’s life.
The importance of teachers in one’s life remains equally essential. Here are some inspirational quotes from people who celebrate their teachers and honour them for their contribution.

If A Country is to be Corruption Free and become a  Nation Beautiful Minds , I Strongly feel there are Three key Societal Members who can make a Difference they are , The Father, The Mother and The Teacher.
                                              ----------------DR APJ ABDUL KALAM
* It is a greater work to educate a child, in the true and large sense of that phrase, than to rule a state.
—William Ellery Channing, Preacher and Theologian
* Most of us end up with no more than five or six people who remember us. Teachers have thousands of people who remember them for the rest of their lives.
—Andy Rooney, Journalist
* One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.
— Carl Jung


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Handling criticism

Rather than trying to avoid criticism, expert performers welcome it. They seek out coaches and advisors who can give them constructive, sometimes even painful feedback. They then use this feedback as a guide for steady improvement.

Here are some steps you can take to handle criticism effectively:

1. Acknowledge Your Error - Acknowledging a mistake is not the same as acknowledging that you are an inferior person/a failure. If you believe the criticism is accurate, take full responsibility. Don’t blame something or someone else and don’t make excuses. If appropriate, offer a diplomatic apology: “I’m sorry that my actions led to that result. It certainly was not my intention.” Again, if appropriate, ask for suggestions on how you can improve your performance the next time.
2. Take Corrective Action - After you’ve heard the other person out completely, and listened to any suggestions for improvement, state/communicate your eagerness to improve in the future. If appropriate, describe any actions you will take at his time to counterbalance your previous error. 

3. Acknowledge the other person’s motive - Thank the other person for the feedback and make sure to state how valuable you consider it. This demonstrates your ability to use criticism as a way to improve – an essential quality of a leader. In addition, let the other person know that you are open to receiving his or her feedback in the future. 

Even when you don’t care for the style in which criticism is presented, be thankful that the other person is willing to give you feedback, and along with it, an opportunity to improve.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018



1)  You Can't wash your eyes with soap

2)  You can't count your hair.

3)  You can't breathe through your nose,
      with your tongue out.

4) You just tried no.3

6) when you did no.3 you realised it's possible,
    only you look like a dog.

7) You're smiling right now. because you were fooled

8)  you skipped no.5

9)  you just checked to see if there is a no.5

Keep Smiling................
